Sparked by Words

Brussels, March 2016



Would that they who work so hard at creating heartbreak learn instead to love.

Brussels, Europe, Our Whole World






Dove peace image,

Comments on: "Brussels, March 2016" (15)

  1. The world is going mad Sharon… I fear for the future if I’m being honest!


  2. Until the world replaces tolerance and hate with acceptance be will have to suffer these tragedies. Lovely post. Be well.


  3. It’s complicated, innit.


  4. Amen

    “Through our ignorance and lack of viewpoint we divide this common home, we divide the members of this family into various races, we divide religion into different sects and then with those suppositional division we wage war against one another; we shed one another’s blood and we pillage one another’s possessions. Is not this unpardonable ignorance? Is this not the height of injustice? Were we just and could we observe without prejudice we would realize that there are no fundamental differences.” – Abdu’l-Baha, Divine Philosophy


    • That which is hateful unto you do not do to your neighbor. Babylonian Talmud, Hillel.
      Judaism teaches that it is the responsibility of all societies to create just and fair legal systems. In terms of righteousness, this is achieved through our actions, to do good simply for the sake of doing good. Tanahk: Psalms, Isaiah, Ezekiel
      Justice, justice, you shall pursue. Tanahk: Deuteronomy
      Keep justice and do righteousness at all times.
      Seems to run through the heart of it.


  5. If only. Think if all that energy went into loving how wonderful life would be for all.


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