Sparked by Words




As long as one person still lives, this moment can’t be all there is to life. As companion to God, one person can repair the world, one person can save the world, one person can create the world, and one person can guarantee the future. Understand – I am the one person on whom God depends. So are You.



Just a Thought 13



Image Earth from space courtesy: NASA


Comments on: "World" (10)

  1. Ah the responsibility.


  2. Jenna Barwin said:

    Well said, Shari!


  3. Indeed we are his arms and legs here on EArth!


  4. Wow, what a strong and deep statement you made. There is no place to hide but take on our responsibility and accept we are more than a shrinking violet.


  5. Couldn’t agree more. It is our earth and each and everyone of us has an obligation to take on the responsibility of caring for it and protecting it and sadly repairing it.


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