Sparked by Words

Two Sides at Least

When a child and lunging toward mountains, I discovered flowers and stones before my feet. Mastering complex steps when older, I treasure the grace of careful movement.

When a teen and eager to learn, I studied the arguments shielding controversial subjects. Seeking altruistic backbone as an adult, I find everything is controversial.

When a young adult and passionate about equality, I judged extreme behaviors defensible. Heeding a mature outlook as an adult, I note the value of balance.

When a woman with children to shelter, I protected all young with smothering embrace. Knowing the gain of doing for oneself, I consign experience a better defender.

Now a senior still trying to found my estate, I deplore the minor output I’ve borne. Trying to repair my early errors, I quake at the new ones assembling.

How little I’ve learned, how few the tasks completed, how long a journey yet to trek, how brief the time to travel, but this I finally fathom:

There are two sides at least, though now I can see three.



Just a thought 26


Photo of child with flowers courtesy


Comments on: "Two Sides at Least" (24)

  1. Never feel your output has been minor.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. It’s sad we’ve lost sight of the respect for ‘two sides to a story’. There are, aren’t there, but that’s out of vogue in so many people I know.

    Liked by 1 person

    • It’s unfortunate that two-way discussions have given way to one-sided accusations, and thoughtful dialogue is now a bunch of idiotic tweets. True on both sides of that polyhedral mirror, but some people take advantage of bigger platforms to bear down on smaller voices. I hate being shouted at.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Our perspectives and attitudes certainly shift over time. You’ve captured this transition so beautifully with your words.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you, Carrie. I love the passion and energy of the young – I was an art teacher for many years, and their enthusiasm inspired me every day – but there’s something to be said for gaining some wisdom as we age. Being willing to change if valid is a good thing, especially if borne by experience.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Sharon, I completely relate to everything you said in this post. Found myself nodding my head and resonating. Nice to know we aren’t alone in our experiences, observations, perspectives and feelings at this age. 🙂


  5. we’re all just human – it’s certainly not like you’ve been lying about doing nothing these last 3 years, dear Sharon. as for 3 sides – yes! that’s what wisdom is all about — seeing the spectrum of color between black & white

    Liked by 1 person

  6. What a wonderful piece that has sumarized the you(s) that once were you and the you you are now and your hope for the future you. I do disagree that you have achieved little – but I do understand you saying it. I love the message that you passed on in the last line. Three sides to every story – there probably are and more.


  7. We grow and change while our souls are immutably patient.
    Lovely poem, whether or not you meant it to be a poem it is indeed poetic


  8. I agree most hardily with your sentiment, Shari.


  9. Truth, whether we want to see it or not is there. Shari, we do the best we can every step of the way. Not a one of us different in the end. Much love to you. ♡


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