Sparked by Words

A Few Words More or Less

First word a child learns:



Then dada.

Then no. Why. So big.

How come. Go now.

Pick me up. You do it.

I do it.

Play with me.

I love you.


Not a bad vocabulary for learning how to get along in the world.

Maybe the grownups should speak less.

Listen more. Share the cookies.

Love better.

Too many words, too much taking.

What have we got to lose?



We’ve got everything to lose.

Especially our children,

And their future.



Just a thought 52.


Painting Carnation, Lily, Lily, Rose, 1885, by John Singer Sargent, courtesy Wikipedia




Comments on: "A Few Words More or Less" (28)

  1. Sharon, l love this post. How wonderfully true about the importance of the poetic
    words of the children.
    And I totally agree, we are all much happier if everyone listens more. That way
    we really give a gift when we answer with deep attention.


    Liked by 2 people

  2. And this is why you and I became teachers. Sigh.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, among other reasons. I think you chose to become a teacher, undertaking the proper education for purpose of that accomplishment. I toppled into the field, and had to go back to get the education. Still, we’re both drawn to wanting to be part of empowering people with skills.


  3. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Jenna Barwin said:

    A beautiful reminder, Sharon.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. sweet — for sure us grownups could learn a lot about adopting some humility…


  6. Sharon, beautifully capturing the first magic moments of a child’s speech … with so few words, saying so much – often whilst adults jibber on! Your writing here spoke straight to my heart … let us all hear more as we speak less! ❤️


  7. Lots of wisdom in our simplest words, not to mention efficiency. Your posts are always so powerful, Sharon. ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I notice the less I try to control others the less I have to say. 😉


  9. Fabulous observations, Shari! All too true, like “what I learned in kindergarten.” On a tragic note, I see more young moms walking with their children whether in or out of the stroller (or both, if more than one child) talking on their phones! When my mom used to walk with us she would tell us about the world around us. I wonder what children hear in those one-sided cell phone conversations, at ages where they do not totally comprehend language?

    Liked by 1 person

    • You are so right: Children hear everything – listening long before they speak is how they learn to make sense of language and eventually to articulate speech and to communicate well. There are lots of studies about children and language development. Parents speaking and singing to their children, not just around them, is crucial. I read aloud to my sons when they were in utero – and they were both very early readers whose breadth and depth of language was so pronounced that strangers on the street would stop to listen to them talk – when they were just 2 and 3. All that phone texting and cell phone absorption is not good for kids – doesn’t take a survey to figure it out. Maybe you could slip this info to your students as they learn how to enjoy life around them. They could also think how they communicate with the rest of the world, one day perhaps with the most important people in their lives – their own children.

      Liked by 2 people

  10. I love that painting! And you’re so right about grown ups needing to speak less and listen more. These very early words and sentences we learn as children reflect what’s actually important in life.


  11. Aptly said Sharon. Those first words that a child learns and repeats are always rather interesting to see what are the first things that stick in their mind. Enough importance that they learn those words first. As a woman in Viet Nam once said to us “Stop talking. No more talking!!!” And to this day, it has become our mantra, so worth repeating. Valuable words.



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