Sparked by Words

Praying Thankful


As we approach the holiday season, please remember the thousands who have lost members of their families, their homes and possessions, their entire communities, to fires still raging in California.

Say a prayer in the language of your heart, write a check to assist the many who have lost everything, and express gratitude to the exhausted first responders still on the frontlines trying to quell the flames and assist those who have been stricken.

To be truly thankful is not only to account for your own blessings but to realize that so many are injured, harrowed, and grieving, and then to share your bounty.

If your celebration this year finds you dining at a table of cinders, sobbing at an open gravesite, bereft of all but the charity of strangers, please know I wish you a future.



Just a thought 57


Sorrow by Vincent Van Gogh, courtesy Wikimedia Commons



Comments on: "Praying Thankful" (42)

  1. Beautiful post. It is difficult to celebrate the holidays when so many have suffered terrible loss. May you and your beautiful heart always be blessed.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Sharon, you have represented sadness and despair so well with Van Gogh’s drawing.
    Set against the rich celebrations of many the contrasts are sharp.
    I feel this specifically every winter when so many suffer hardship. Also in trauma like your
    terrible fires in California or war torn countries around the world.



    Liked by 1 person

    • There is so much hardship in the world, as you say, Miriam. Those of us more fortunate should never take our ease for granted, and sharing some of our bounty is a good thing to do. Thank you for reading, Miriam.


  3. Jenna Barwin said:

    Well said. The holidays make us feel any loss more sharply. I plan to follow your advice.

    Wishing you and your family a safe and happy Thanksgiving!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Our blessed rain is clearing the air and tamping the fires. A blessing and a curse for those displaced living in tents. Someone from our church gathered linens and camp gear to take to the area, linens for all the poor homeless and injured pets, and camp gear for those who must camp to survive. My closet is emptier and my heart is a little happier. The outpouring of concern and help has been amazing. Most folks are thankful to be alive.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Beautiful post. Praying for all those suffering through this terrible ordeal in California! We give thanks for a God who is always with us in every time and place.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. My thoughts are with those that have lost and are suffering. A beautiful post Sharri expressing so well sentiments I share.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. My heart is breaking for the folks of California.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Thank you for this one, Sharon. It’s easy to forget, that just because the fires (and aftermath) are no longer in the headlines, it doesn’t mean the suffering is over. I can’t even imagine the horror of going through the fires and losing everything. Blessings to you for your kindness and caring. 💗

    Liked by 1 person

    • Many people care and many of us do a bit to help out. Friends who live closer are providing shelter; like thousands who live farther, I gave money. I wish I could do more. Thanks for your kindness, Betty. I believe that good thoughts also help.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Amen indeed.
    And that drawing by Van Gogh really says it all, doesn’t it?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Van Gogh was so tuned in to the deepest part of his soul and therefore touched the deepest parts of others. It’s why so many people respond to his art by placing their hands over their hearts, a likely unconscious act I witnessed over and over at a huge Van Gogh exhibit many years ago.

      Liked by 1 person

      • That´s a wonderful thing you´ve observed here, Shari, I´m going to put more attention to the other visitors next time I´m on a Van Gogh exhibit! usually I´m just transfixed by the art but that´s something I´d really like to see.


      • You’ll find it an interesting experience. Actually, watching the audience for any event is quite fun and enlightening. People react naturally, sometimes you see expressions you don’t expect.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Will definitely do this next time I go to a museum or gallery then, it´s been too long anyway, I feel quite depleted in that department. 😉


  10. I missed this one, only seeing it now – great as always post, Sharon. I wonder if the wonderful drawing is of one of his wives crying about another of his infidelities? Also, when I mentioned something about holidays & I think suicide, a psychologist recently informed me that suicides happens most late spring/early summer. Theory is that holidays include activities, whereas the in-between periods are hardest – sad either way, but interesting, no?


    • Van Gogh never married though he was famously in love several times and engaged at least once. I think his own mental fragility allowed him to grasp deep, sad emotions. He really conveys sorrow in every line of this eloquent drawing. It’s powerful because there are so few strokes, just enough to convey this woman’s grief.

      As for philandering husbands, you may be thinking of Picasso who loved his women to fight over him. He liked the tempestuous battles they waged in public. Another brilliant artist but a nasty piece of work in so many ways. I’d prefer to meet Van Gogh were I given the chance though I’d wouldn’t mind watching Picasso work.

      Glad you found this post, Daal. I often blog binge, reading several recent posts from one writer rather than racing from blog to blog every day. Unfortunately, I also miss some posts because of this erratic following strategy.

      Liked by 1 person

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