Sparked by Words

Posts tagged ‘Liebster’

Leaping Lizards, It’s the Liebster!

Holy moly, guacamole! I’ve been nominated for Liebster awards, twice in two days. Thank you kindly to the two people who nominated me. I am deer-in-the-headlights thunderstruck and very grateful so be so acknowledged.  I won’t bother you with one of those Oscar speeches where the diamond-clad winner can’t give a one-minute thank you speech and gives a 30-minute rant instead, telling the audience all the trials and sorry details of his miserable life before winning, and the orchestra’s string section starts to play and then plays louder and then plays faster, and then adds the percussion section, and then that poor schmuck kid who was last hired as an intern for the Academy Awards has to trudge onstage and grab the manicured hand of the winner and drag that idiot off because Da Winner couldn’t find the exit route all by his lonely little egotistical self. No, I won’t do that, though I did have a childhood filled with…oh, never mind. (more…)