Sparked by Words

I Could Aim Better

Even without a wayward draft to misdirect a bird in flight, a folded slip of paper aimed at a trashcan might yet miss its intended target and land on the floor, a dust collector for those with short brooms.

A baker en route to delivering fresh cookies to lucky children might trip on the upturned edge of the sidewalk, the treats toppling onto the concrete, landing in a crush of sweet crumble for alert mice.

Aiming for the concentric circle of chlorinated water at the community pool, a diver might wobble his torso, miss the mark, and land in a belly flop, water erupting as wildly as back flipping whales.

Stories do not begin in perfect landings but perfectly good stories begin in chaotic tumbles down all kinds of chutes. The struggle of climbing back up makes for great reading.


Just a thought 27




Image: The Dance of Cogul, Levantine rock art of the Iberian Peninsula





Comments on: "I Could Aim Better" (26)

  1. Poor all these tumbling people but you are right. Tumbles of some sort happens all the
    time with either a comical result or a more serious one. Either way, there will be a story
    to tell.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Shari, how true and well-observed! The perfections of life would make dull reading indeed…people have always, and rightly so, been enthralled by the journey, battling obstacles along the way! Sharing the tales, learning, relating to them, finding joy, humour and love. A delight to read your reflections this morning. hugs xxx

    Liked by 1 person

  3. So true. And it makes them interesting.


  4. Jenna Barwin said:

    Well said! A very poetic way to describe the process of a “discovery” writer. I never bemoan the time taken to run down those chutes, as they lead to all sorts of fun explorations, and sometimes, to good story telling.


  5. This is something I need to remember for this next month. Thanks, Shari. 😀


  6. There is a parallel with scientific discovery isn’t there Sharon: how many breakthrough discoveries or inventions have started with a “mistake” in the laboratory? I’m going to remind my wife of this truism the next time I am cooking in the kitchen!


    • Decades ago, Carl Sagan hosted a TV show, and also wrote a book called Cosmos. He often talked about the mistakes that led to great inventions. I’m impressed that you cook – I force my hubby out of the kitchen on the rare times he offers to help. He means well, but…


  7. I like reading and seeing through your eyes, Shari. Those last two sentences speak soft and slow, for all the action you provide, and it calms me. Thank you for this piece of writing.


    • Thanks for that lovely comment, Audrey. I like reading poetry out loud (yours included) and I usually read the Just a Thought entries out loud as well since they’re very short. It does lend a different perspective to understanding language.


  8. Wouldn’t life just be boring if there were no conflict or “oops” moments? Sometimes, my life feels like a series of oops moments, and gives me something to laugh about. Well done, Shari!


  9. And a great thought it is Sharon. Its the tumbles that we remember and the risks taken in getting to the point of tumbling. These make who we are and make characters what they are. Good reading indeed.


  10. The tumbles are what draw out our characters (and ourselves). It is what makes a story. Very interesting way to touch this writing topic.

    Liked by 1 person

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